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Picking Grapes

Sister Projects

GAEA aims join its forces with other related entities in order to foster the exchange of information, experience, knowledge and best practices.

Here’s who’s helping GAEA to make things happen. 

Sister Project 1


BOOST is a 36M Erasmus+ Project started on September 15, 2022. The BOOST consortium consists of 16 partners from 7 countries (Greece, Spain, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Slovenia). BOOST aims to boost agribusiness acceleration and digital hub networking by providing a sophisticated training program for the application of sustainable Precision Agriculture (PA) methodologies on management, agripreneurship, marketing, networking, and digital transformation delivered through an innovative educational and networking platform.


The project has a circular architecture, starting with a training needs assessment and ending with the evaluation follow-up of the implementation phase, which will permit for foresight analysis and critical improvement steps before the launch of the next cycle of the PA educational module or before the application of this model educational package to other sectors. This structure will ensure that the educational course proposed is dynamically evolving according to current trends, needs and skill mismatches.


Sister Project 2

Demetra: Developing Entrepreneurial Skills & Tools for woMEn in AgriculTural Rural Areas


DEMETRA, is a project dedicated to creating conditions that will enable women in rural areas to be involved in the agricultural sector and showcase entrepreneurial activity in the sector as mentioned above. By providing the tools for educating women on agricultural entrepreneurship, and offering them the ability to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and skills, the project aspires to become a milestone and a point of future reference for women in the field of agripreneurship. On the whole, the project addresses the need to better understand the existing and needed competences of women in rural areas with regards to agricultural entrepreneurship and promote a more inclusive context for their participation in the field. At the same time, this project is the consortium’s response to the need of these women for education through a specifically designed innovative curriculum, platform, and mentoring scheme reflecting on women’s current needs in agricultural entrepreneurship training and also a response to the lack of resources for VET providers on the topic. 



Sister Project 3



Fighting climate change is of utmost importance nowadays, particularly in the tourism sector, whose numbers of tourism influxes cause great environmental burdens in local communities, such as the overuse of plastic, excess of waste, etc. However, tourism industry professionals still lack the environmental skills and knowledge (“green skills”) to develop a more sustainable and eco-friendly business. TOUCAN is an Erasmus+ Project that aims to minimise the carbon footprint in the tourism sector through environmental learning for tourism SMEs, as well as Vocational Education and Training providers and teachers in this area.

This aim will be achieved through the development of the following results:

• The TOUCAN mobile-based environmental learning solution aims to deliver training courses on circular economy and sustainability with a specific focus on SMEs from the tourism industry to develop their vocational skills and become pioneers of green tourism in their countries.

• The TOUCAN online self-assessment tools for SMEs aim to evaluate their environmental-friendly competences before and after taking the training courses. For more information on the project, visit the TOUCAN



Sister Project 4



RE-START is an Erasmus+ project that encourages and guides students in Higher Education Institutes, recent graduates, and potential start-up entrepreneurs to develop a circular startup, and transform their business idea into a circular one based on the circular economy strategies of Ellen MacArthur that are underpinned by the 5R-framework: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover and Regenerate. The RE-START project aims to: • develop a circular start-up training programme that enhances the entrepreneurial mindset considering circular economy principles and competences of HEIs students, recent graduates, and potential start-up entrepreneurs; • provide them with real-life examples of successful circular entrepreneurs; • encourage them to support and commercialise their circular start-up. The RE-START Project Outcomes include a Circular Business Plan Toolkit, an eTraining Programme, and a Guidebook for Trainers and Academics & Industry Cooperations.




Aigaleo 5 | 2057 Strovolos | P.O. Box 21185, 1503

Nicosia, Cyprus

TEL: +357 22505555 

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